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Supply chain sustainability


MLA invests in research and development (R&D) into supply chain sustainability to evaluate and maintain the Australian red meat industry and all of the businesses involved in the paddock to plate process to ensure the industry can continue to supply products to consumers in an efficient and effective manner.

The red meat supply chain supports producers, lot feeders, livestock exporters, processors, manufacturers, transporters, saleyards and many other sectors.

With over 75,000 businesses and more than 400,000 employees across the paddock to plate supply chain, it is important that ongoing R&D helps address environmental, financial and legislative challenges that the industry may face.

Core activities

MLA’s investments into supply chain sustainability include:

  • improving methods to ensure the continuity of red meat supply, information flow between businesses and market insights
  • developing a framework for measuring sustainable production during extreme climate events
  • investing in on-farm products that enhance the broader supply chain, such as waste disposal techniques that focus on recycling and removal of effluent
  • investing in off-farm products that respond to environmental challenges and contribute to an efficient use of resources, such as the Northern Australia Climate Program and water efficiency measures
  • delivering capability building workshops to enhance the skillset of workers across the supply chain
  • assessing international red meat supply chains from Australia to countries such as China and America to enhance the scope and profitability of the Australian red meat industry
  • developing traceability and tracking programs from paddock to plate
  • implementing communication strategies based on data collection and information transfer to strengthen the relationship between businesses across the supply chain through effective collaboration.

Benefits to industry

Investing in the transfer of information and data across the supply chain assists companies to develop a whole-of-value chain digital strategy that leverages the best solutions and improves the productivity and profitability of the red meat supply chain. 

By planning alongside the Australian Beef and Sheep Sustainability Frameworks, investments into the Australian red meat supply chain can enhance and evolve businesses to improve their:

  • environmental stewardship
  • dedication to animal welfare
  • economic resilience
  • social licence to operate
  • overall productivity and profitability.