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MLA Statistics API


The Meat and Livestock Statistics API allows users programmatic access to information related to the meat and livestock industry. Leveraging the rich data resources curated by MLA, this API empowers developers to create innovative applications, conduct research, and gain insights into various aspects of meat production and livestock pricing.

Key Features

- Livestock Pricing:

Stay updated with livestock pricing information, covering different indicators, saleyards, and countries. Access historical pricing data for strategic decision-making and market trend analysis.

- Export Statistics:

Monthly Australian export statistics for beef and veal, illustrating key export markets and changes in demand across the globe.

- Production, Supply and Slaughter:

Australian production, supply and slaughter figures ranging from daily saleyard yardings, National Livestock Reporting Service weekly slaughter reports and Australian Bureau of Statistics quarterly reporting figures.

Use Cases

- Livestock Pricing Tools:

Businesses in the industry can develop applications to track and analyse livestock pricing for strategic decision-making.

- Market Analysis Tools:

Researchers and analysts can utilize the API to study market trends, analyse pricing dynamics, and forecast demand.

Terms and Conditions

Your use of these indices is governed by our website terms and conditions linked here and MLA’s Market Reports, Data and Information Terms of Use linked here. These indices are published on an as-is basis and any reliance on the information, raw data, recommendations and opinions will be at your own risk. The indices are strictly intended for your personal use and the internal business use by producers, processors, red meat wholesalers and retailers and other non-commercial use. Any third party wishing to use these indices for any commercial use (including without limitation any type of financial products or service) must seek prior approval from MLA. Please contact us at if you wish to use the data in any of our pricing reports for commercial use.

Getting Started

To get started with the MLA Statistics API, developers can utilise the below documentation where code samples and an interactive API explorer can help aid development. The API is RESTful, making it easy to integrate into a wide range of applications and programming languages.

Responses are paginated with a maximum of 100 records per request, simply divide the field "total number rows" by 100 to determine the number of pages to be iterated through for the complete set of records based on the parameters passed.

Although the API is not restricted by authentication, abuse of the service will result in throttling or blacklisting. 

For inquiries and support, please contact our API support team at

The MLA Insights welcomes feedback and suggestions. Please contact us at