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Sheepmeat production eases

13 August 2020

Key points:

  • Lamb slaughter for the year-to-June running well below year-ago levels
  • Sheep slaughter in June declined to a nine-year low
  • Both sheep and lamb carcase weights lifted in June

Lamb slaughter and production

For the first time this year, national lamb slaughter tracked above year-ago levels, up 2% in June compared to June 2019, to average 1.49 million head. However, total lamb slaughter for the year-to-June remains 13% lower year-on-year, at 9.9 million head. Lamb supplies tapered off much earlier this year as the impact of the drought brought challenges to processor throughout.

The slight uptick in slaughter, combined with greater feed availability, saw modest improvements to lamb carcase weight averages, lifting 1.2 kg/head on year-ago levels to average 25.1kg/head in June. As a result, lamb production in June lifted 7% year-on-year to 37,400 tonnes carcase weight (cwt).


Sheep slaughter and production

National sheep slaughter declined 37% in June on year-ago levels to 301,300 head, the lowest monthly kill since July 2011. All states reported year-on-year declines, with New South Wales contracting 41% to 110,150 head, Victoria down 34% to 126,200 head and South Australia back 44% to 12,900 head. Following consecutive drought years which saw elevated breeding ewe turnoff, the impact of improved conditions has incentivised stock retention.

Average sheep carcase weights lifted 3kg/head in June compared to year-ago levels, to 26.5kg/head. The flow-on effects from supplementary and containment feeding have supported average sheep weights. However, heavier weights were not enough to offset a decline in slaughter, as production levels eased 29% compared to last year, to 8,000 tonnes cwt.


© Meat & Livestock Australia Limited, 2020