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High female slaughter delaying herd rebuild

16 July 2020

Key points:

  • National adult cattle slaughter down from year ago levels in May
  • The female portion of total adult slaughter lifted to 56%
  • Queensland and Victoria processor throughput contributed to elevated female slaughter levels

National adult cattle slaughter in May totalled 644,600 head, up 2% from April but back 18% year-on-year. For the calendar year-to-May, total adult cattle slaughter sits at to 3.2 million head, a 6% decline on year-ago levels. Female slaughter has continued to account for a large percentage of the total kill, lifting to 56% for May - the highest level since October last year. With the 12-month rolling average at just over 55%, this trend will continue to delay the shift towards a herd rebuild phase. 

Strong price incentives may have supported higher female turnoff, however, the lift in the female portion of total slaughter has been amplified by lower male turnoff. For the calendar year-to-May the number of male cattle processed totaled 1.49 million head, the lowest figure since 1987, reflecting the limited availability of steers for finishing. The reduced pool of male cattle is largely a result of drought-induced destocking combined with consecutive years of low branding rates and robust live export shipments. 

Grainfed turnoff elevating female slaughter

Processor throughput in Queensland declined 16% year-on-year to 314,100 head in May. The female portion accounted for 48% of total adult slaughter, back significantly from 55% this time last year. Queensland has accounted for 21% of the national female kill so far in 2020.

In Victoria, total adult slaughter declined 19% to 140,000 head in May, with the female portion accounting for 73%, albeit bulls, bullocks and steers reached their lowest levels since July 2016.

In NSW in May, female slaughter accounted for 51% of the states total kill. This was the lowest female slaughter level since January 2019, while the total female throughput of 62,348 head was the lowest seen since February 2018.

It is likely a high number of females remained in feedlots during the first half of the year, underpinning sustained high female turnoff. However, as the year progresses fewer females are expected to exit the production system, especially if the positive winter rainfall outlook comes to fruition.

National Carcase weights

Average adult carcase weights increased to 288kg/head in May, up 8kg/head year-on-year. Improved pasture availability across key cattle producing regions has supported heavier weights, as did the impact of the record number of cattle on feed at the beginning of the year. Reduced cattle slaughter, combined with a lift in carcase weight saw beef production in May total 185,000 tonnes carcase weight, a 16% decline year-on-year.

© Meat & Livestock Australia Limited, 2020