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Poor winter rain outlook

23 May 2019

According to the Bureau of Meteorology’s latest three-month weather outlook, below-average rainfall during winter is likely for most of Australia.

The BOM’s recently released climate outlook for winter suggests drier-than-average conditions are likely for large parts of Australia. The rainfall outlook for NSW is particularly poor, which is troubling for producers who are already battling with significant rainfall deficits. Elsewhere, most key agricultural regions Australia-wide are more likely to receive below-average rainfall during winter.

The outlook is a concern for many in the red meat industry who are looking for a reprieve from poor pasture growth, high feed costs and water shortages.

While the risk of El Niño developing in 2019 remains higher than usual, the likelihood has reduced in recent weeks. El Niño typically brings drier-than-average conditions for eastern Australia during winter and spring.

View the Bureau of Meteorology’s climate outlook for June to August 2019