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Know the numbers – May live cattle exports
13 June 2018
Cattle exports in May totalled just above 91,500 head, which represents the largest monthly shipment since November 2016. However, for the 12-months ending May, cattle exports declined 1% year-on-year, to 941,500 head.
Feeder and slaughter cattle exports to Indonesia in May were 39,400 head, a modest lift on the month prior. However, for the 12-months ending May, shipments to Indonesia are back 11%, at 495,995 head, as the presence of Indian Buffalo meat continues to challenge the market.
Current wet market prices for buffalo meat in the Greater Jakarta area range from IDR 80,000–100,000/kg, while fresh beef trades at a premium from IDR 110,000–115,000/kg. However, during Eid ul Fitr (14–16 June) prices paid could reach IDR 130,000/kg, as demand for beef (and other proteins) spikes.
In-market reports indicate that The Indonesian Bureau of Logistics has realised around 15,500 tonnes of their 100,000 tonnes import permit allocation to date.
Cattle exports to Vietnam in May totalled 22,200 head, the majority of which were slaughter cattle (20,000 head), the remaining exports accounted for feeder cattle. For the 12-months ending May, exports to Vietnam have lifted 10% year-on-year, at 171,700 head. The market in Vietnam remains active, with steady demand for Australian cattle. Lower export prices in recent months have also supported live cattle exports to the region.
Other markets (Cattle exports - 12 months ending May):
- China, up 27%, to 93,000 head
- Malaysia, up 44%, to 30,600 head
- Israel, back 20%, to 39,800 head
- Turkey, back 22%, to 40,000 head
For more information, check out the latest edition of Livelink.