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Goat prices climbing higher
08 August 2018
Over-the-hooks goat price indicators have continued an upwards trajectory during winter, with prices increasing to levels seen in mid-2016. The over-the-hook goat indicator reached 560¢/kg cwt this week, an increase of 4¢ on a fortnight-ago and 52¢ over the last 2 months. This is the first time the indicator has been over 550¢/kg cwt since the major price correction this time last year.
Eastern states goat slaughter numbers remain below year-ago levels, with last week’s kill (almost 22,000) less than half of what it was this time last year. Year-to-date slaughter numbers are down 24% compared to 2017.
Victoria and SA, Australia’s major goat processing states last year, have experienced the biggest declines year-on-year, down 109,606 head (24%) and 109,172 head (42%) for the year-to-date, respectively. The only state registering an increase in goat slaughter was Queensland, up 4% year-on-year.
Australian goatmeat exports have followed the seasonal trend so far this year, with a decline in winter, although volumes are slightly lower than the five-year average. Australia’s largest export market, the US, has seen the biggest declines, down 13% year-on-year for July. Shipments to Australia’s other main goatmeat export markets, Taiwan, Canada and South Korea, remained relatively steady year-on-year in July.