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Goats gain ground
11 July 2017
In 2016-17, the over-the-hook goat indicator (12-16kg cwt) averaged 616¢/kg cwt – up 116¢ from the previous year.
In June, the indicator hit a new high of 682¢/kg cwt and surpassed the Eastern States Trade Lamb Indicator (ESTLI). The ESTLI averaged 657¢ for the month, while the over-the-hook goat indicator averaged 665¢/kg cwt.
Average weekly eastern states goat slaughter for 2016-17 was very similar to 2015-16 levels, down 1,000 head in 2016-17, at 30,178 head. While slaughter in NSW and Queensland eased, processing throughput picked up in SA and Victoria.
Australian goatmeat exports during June totalled 1,489 tonnes swt, up 59% year-on-year (DAWR). Over the 2016-17 period, exports exceeded 2015-16 levels by 138 tonnes swt, reaching 29,681 tonnes swt. For the year ending June 2017:
- Shipments to the US increased 6% year-on-year, to 20,410 tonnes swt
- Volumes to Taiwan jumped 38%, to 3,929 tonnes swt
- Exports to the Caribbean lifted 7%, to 1,517 tonnes swt
- Shipments to Korea were 15% higher, at 1,635 tonnes swt
- Volumes to Canada eased 18%, to 1,187 tonnes swt
For further statistics, please click here to view the June trade summary.