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Goat indicators come off the boil

06 April 2017

This week, eastern states over-the-hook goat indicators moved lower for the first time in 2017, although remain at record levels. The 12-16kg cwt goat indicator averaged 643¢, down from the March average of 655¢/kg cwt. Across all weight ranges this week, quotes topped at 720¢/kg cwt.

For the first quarter of 2017, average weekly goat slaughter across the eastern states was 15% higher year-on-year, at 44,908 head. For the March quarter:

  • NSW average weekly slaughter decreased 57% year-on-year, to 2,094 head
  • Queensland goat slaughter eased 15%, to 10,736 head
  • Victorian goat slaughter lifted 62%, to 20,751 head
  • SA slaughter increased 30% to 11,326 head, with the highest weekly goat slaughter on record registered during March at 18,081 head

Australian goatmeat exports totalled 3,967 tonnes swt for March, bringing the first quarter total to 10,004 tonnes swt, 15% higher year-on-year. Goatmeat exports to all major export destinations increased during March with the market supported by strong overseas and domestic demand for product.

Shipments to the US totalled 3,050 tonnes swt, up 10% year-on-year, while exports to Canada lifted 28% to 100 tonnes swt. Volumes to Japan increased 10% to 67 tonnes swt, while shipments to Korea gained 11% to total 218 tonnes swt. The greatest shift in exports was to Taiwan, with exports reaching 461 tonnes swt in March, albeit off a very low base last year (78 tonnes swt).