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“Bigger wet” in the north fails to dampen cattle indicators in 2017

16 February 2017

Highlighted in the latest North of the Tropic Beef Report, above-average rainfall recorded across northern Australia combined with heatwave conditions in south-eastern parts of the country in January, have seen average northern cattle indicators remain dearer  across most categories so far in 2017 – with fluctuating supply levels and a stronger A$ contributing to continued buyer uncertainty.

Compared to the year prior, northern Queensland average weekly yardings declined significantly in January – with lighter offerings at both Emerald and CQLX Gracemere contributing to the decline, while Charters Towers only recommenced this week (15th February). As a result, buyers operated keenly throughout most sections, resulting in some indicators trending close to 50¢/kg lwt dearer year-on-year – with restockers continuing to set the platform in most young cattle markets.  

In January, compared to the same time last year:

  • The Northern Queensland restocker steer indicator averaged 354¢ – up 34¢/kg lwt
  • The Northern Queensland restocker heifer indicator averaged 332¢ – up 49¢/kg lwt
  • The Northern Queensland medium steer indicator averaged 307¢ – up 26¢/kg lwt
  • The Northern Queensland medium cow indicator averaged 238¢ – up 17¢/kg lwt

Although easing this week, North Queensland over-the-hook indicators averaged dearer in January, compared to last year – with all major categories up over 20¢/kg lwt – underpinned by a 25% decline in the average weekly cattle slaughter to 5,251 head.

Already constrained cattle supplies in the north tightened further in some regions throughout January – with substantial rainfall impacting most northern live export indicators. In the first week of February, feeder steer quotes delivered to Darwin remained firm to dearer in places, averaging 378¢, while improved availability in eastern regions resulted in equivalent orders delivered to Townsville easing marginally, to 353¢/kg lwt.

To read the latest North of the Tropic Beef Report, click here.

Also, keep an eye out next week for the first edition of MLA’s LiveLink for 2017.

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