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Wednesday daily sheep summary
19 October 2016
Number halved at Forbes to total 22,260 head week-on-week. Quality was very mixed, and there was around 5,000 young lambs penned.
- Trade weight 3 and 4 score young lambs to slaughter slipped 10¢ to 15¢ to range in price from 564¢ to 605¢/kg cwt
- Heavy weight 4 score young lambs to slaughter decreased 25¢ to average 586¢/kg cwt
- Medium weight 3 score Merino ewes eased 43¢ to settle on 355¢/kg cwt
Supply eased at Ballarat to total 23,294 head week-on-week. Quality was very good with the majority of lambs showing good finish.
- Trade weight 3 score young lambs to slaughter eased 9¢ to average 544¢/kg cwt
- Heavy weight 4 score young lambs decreased 6¢ to settle on 549¢/kg cwt
- Medium weight 3 score Merino ewes slipped 57¢ to average 370¢/kg cwt
- Medium weight 2 score Merino wethers decreased 36¢ to settle on 391¢/kg cwt
At the close of Tuesday’s markets:
- The eastern states restocker lamb indicator averaged 5¢ easier on 595¢/kg cwt
- Merino lambs eased 11¢, on 506¢/kg cwt
- Light lambs averaged 541¢, back 11¢/kg cwt
- Trade lambs settled 8¢ lower on 544¢/kg cwt
- Heavy lambs were back 5¢, on 534¢/kg cwt
- The mutton indicator slipped 8¢ to average 367¢/kg cwt
For the full list of sheep market reports, please click here
Note: All yardings and prices referenced are from MLA reported saleyards.