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Wednesday daily cattle summary

07 December 2016

This week at Roma Store, cattle throughput increased 63% to 7,500 head. The majority of the yarding were drawn from south-western regions, with extremely hot weather prevailing across much of western Queensland. Good drafts of medium and heavy weight steers were on offer, with some early weaned calves selling strongly to restockers.  

  • Light C2 yearling steers to restockers were back 6¢, averaging 391¢, while medium C3 sections to feed slipped 21¢, to 353¢/kg
  • Light D2 yearling heifers to restockers finished 6¢ lower, at 351¢, while medium weights to feeder buyers were up 35¢, at 342¢/kg
  • Heavy D4 cows to processors eased 16¢, averaging 252¢/kg

Consignments at CTLX Carcoar increased 39%, to 2,530 head. It was a good quality yarding this week, with a worthy selection of young cattle to suit both trade and feeder buyers, as most sold dearer. Grown lines and cows were also well supplied, and most sold to a mixed trend.

  • Heavy C3 yearling steers to feed were up 1¢, averaging 336¢/kg
  • Heavy C4 grown steers to processors slipped 4¢, averaging 285¢/kg
  • Heavy D4 cows to slaughter gained 2¢, averaging 241¢/kg

Cattle numbers at NVLX Barnawartha declined 12%, to 2,300 head. Quality across trade weight categories was excellent this week, with the usual buying group in attendance, along with an additional processor from Queensland. A lift in restocker interest was recorded, however was restricted somewhat by few lighter weights.

  • Heavy B2 vealer steers to processors gained 3¢, averaging 355¢/kg
  • Heavy C2 yearling steers to feed slipped 4¢, averaging 326¢/kg
  • Heavy C3 grown steers to slaughter were back 5¢, averaging 291¢/kg

At the close of Tuesday’s markets:   

  • The Eastern Young Cattle Indicator (EYCI) finished on 640.75¢, back 1.25¢/kg cwt from where it settled the previous day
  • Trade steers gained 9¢, to 346¢/kg lwt
  • Medium steers were up 10¢, at 297¢/kg lwt
  • Heavy steers slipped 1¢, to 292¢/kg lwt
  • Medium cows were up 2, on 232¢/kg lwt
  • Feeder steers held firm on 346¢/kg lwt