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Wednesday daily cattle summary

16 November 2016

This week at Roma Store, cattle supplies decreased 18% to 5,500 head. Quality across the offering varied from plain to good, with all feedlot buyers returning to the market week-on-week. A large penning of plainer store conditioned cattle were on offer, with buyers operating more selectively in a generally cheaper market.

  • Light C2 yearling steers to restockers eased 13¢, averaging 381¢, while heavy C3 lines to feed sold to 346¢, averaging 332¢, back 8¢/kg
  • Light D2 yearling heifers to restockers was back 16¢, to 355¢/kg
  • Medium D3 grown steers to feed averaged 293¢/kg

Throughput at CTLX Carcoar declined 24%, to 1,152 head. Notable rainfall in the region saw numbers reduced, with a good level of quality seen amongst export drafts and plenty of heavy cows on offer.  Feeder and trade buyers competed strongly on well-finished yearling sections, while most grown cattle also presented in excellent condition.

  • Heavy C3 yearling steers to feed slipped 19¢, 335¢/kg
  • Heavy C4 grown steers to processors were up 26¢, averaging 296¢/kg
  • Heavy D4 cows to slaughter remained unchanged at 240¢, selling to 254¢/kg

Consignments at NVLX Barnawartha increased 28%, to 2,300 head. The influx of cattle from the Riverina saw a good level of quality penned once again this week, with those returning back to the paddock selling dearer. Those to slaughter trended slightly cheaper however, with the usual field of buyers competing in an easier market.

  • Heavy B2 vealer steers to processors were back 13¢, averaging 363¢/kg
  • Heavy C2 yearling steers to feed eased 14¢, averaging 324¢/kg
  • Heavy C3 grown steers to slaughter slipped 2¢, averaging 313¢/kg

At the close of Tuesday’s markets:          

  • The Eastern Young Cattle Indicator (EYCI) settled at 647.75¢, back 8.25¢/kg cwt from where it settled the previous day
  • Trade steers eased 1¢, on 332¢/kg lwt
  • Medium steers slipped 3¢, on 298¢/kg lwt
  • Heavy steers were back 1¢, on 298¢/kg lwt
  • Medium cows were up 3¢, at 231¢/kg lwt
  • Feeder steers settled 1¢ dearer on 354¢/kg lwt

For the full list of cattle market reports, please click here.

Note: All yardings and prices referenced are from MLA reported saleyards