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Tuesday daily cattle summary

13 September 2016

Throughput at TRLX Tamworth more than doubled to 1,292 head and consisted predominantly of young cattle suitable for feeder buyers and restockers. Grown cattle were in limited number. Prices were mostly dearer throughout the sale, despite not all the usual buyers being active.

  • Heavy C2 yearling steers to feed gained 16¢, averaging 386¢, while similar yearling heifers were 2¢ dearer, averaging 355¢/kg
  • Medium weight C3 steers to feed were 18¢ dearer on 369¢ and C3 heavy weights averaged 340¢, up 2¢/kg
  • Medium weight D3 cows to slaughter lifted 7¢ and averaged 268¢/kg

Numbers at Toowoomba eased slightly to 462 head and mostly consisted of young cattle. Quality of the young cattle was mixed, with a few well finished yearlings and vealers supplementary fed and crop finished, however most of the young cattle were in plain condition and sold to strong competition from feeders and restockers.

  • Medium C2 vealer steers sold to restockers for an average of 391¢ while similar vealer
    heifer sold to processors for 357¢/kg
  • Medium C2 yearling heifers to feed sold between 323¢ and 346¢ and averaged 333¢/kg
  • Medium C3 grown steers to feed averaged 1¢ dearer, at 331¢/kg
  • Heavy D4 cows to slaughter jumper 10¢ and averaged 273¢/kg

Consignments to Wagga lifted marginally to 2,200 head, with the wet weather preventing some stock from being transported. The yarding comprised mostly of young store conditioned cattle of mixed quality and very few cows which sold to weaker competition.

  • Medium C2 yearling steers to feed were 6¢ cheaper on 379¢ while heavy weights also eased 6¢ and averaged 372¢/kg
  • Heavy C3 yearling heifers to slaughter eased 12¢, averaging 351¢/kg
  • Medium weight C3 grown steers to processors  eased 4¢ to 354¢/kg
  • D3 medium weight cows to slaughter were 13¢ cheaper, averaging 252¢/kg

At the close of Monday’s markets:           

  • The Eastern Young Cattle Indicator (EYCI) settled at 712.5¢/kg cwt, up 0.25¢/kg cwt on where it had finished the previous day
  • Trade steers lifted 5¢ to 372¢/kg lwt
  • Medium steers held steady on 329¢/kg lwt
  • Heavy steers were up 1¢, on 343¢/kg lwt
  • Medium cows eased 1¢, to 255¢/kg lwt
  • Feeder steers were back 1¢, on 377¢/kg lwt

For the full list of cattle market reports, please click here.

Note: All yardings and prices referenced are from MLA reported saleyards