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Tighter supplies limit October goatmeat exports

08 November 2016

With the exception of February and May, monthly Australian goatmeat exports have been tracking below year-ago levels so far in 2016. In fact, shipments in October recorded the greatest year-on-year decline for the year-to-date, with volumes down 45%, at 1,812 tonnes swt (Department of Agriculture and Water Resources).

Volumes to the US, Australia’s largest goatmeat export destination, were down 54% year-on-year in October, to 969 tonnes swt.  Shipments to Taiwan, however, recorded 33% growth from year-ago levels, to 505 tonnes swt for the month.

The decline in overall shipments was largely due to lower supplies, with eastern states goat slaughter averaging close to 25,800 head per week in October – 32% lower than the corresponding period last year.

Reduced availability saw the goat over-the-hook indicator (12-16kg cwt) for October lift 7¢ from the previous month and 103¢ from the same time last year, to average 585¢/kg cwt for the month.