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Thursday daily cattle summary

08 December 2016

Cattle throughput declined 10% at Dalby this week – to 5,633 head. Quality generally ranged from fair to good overall, with the usual export and feeder buyers operating in a firm to dearer market. Restockers bid keenly on lighter weight yearlings, resulting in a dearer trend, while the medium and heavier weights also sold to very strong feeder demand.

  • Light C2 yearling steers to restockers gained 4¢, averaging 386¢, while medium sections to feed slipped 2¢, averaging 352¢/kg
  • Light C2 yearling heifers to restockers gained 7¢, to 360¢, while medium C2 feeder drafts were up 16¢, averaging 340¢/kg
  • Heavy D4 cows to processors averaged 15¢ dearer, at 254¢/kg

This week at Casino, cattle throughput increased 15% to 1,590 head. A good supply of both light and medium weight vealers were on offer, with quality generally good in a much dearer market week-on-week. Cows made up the majority of the export offering, and most sections also finished stronger.

  • Medium C2 vealer steers to restockers eased 7¢, averaging 386¢/kg
  • Medium C2 vealer heifers to processors finished 23¢ dearer, at 366¢/kg
  • Medium D3 cows to slaughter were up 7¢, averaging 236¢/kg

Consignments at Warrnambool increased 10%, to 1,140 head. Quality improved further on the previous sale overall, with one regular restocker buyer not in attendance. Prices generally trended cheaper for most young cattle categories, with cow sections also lowering week-on-week.

  • Medium C3 vealer heifers to processors were back 9¢, averaging 329¢/kg
  • Heavy C3 yearling heifers to slaughter eased 1¢, averaging 280¢/kg
  • Heavy C4 bullocks to the same orders slipped 17¢, averaging 281¢/kg

At the close of Wednesday’s markets:          

  • The Eastern Young Cattle Indicator (EYCI) finished on 641.25¢, up 0.50¢/kg cwt from where it settled the previous day
  • Trade steers were back 4¢, to 342¢/kg lwt
  • Medium steers eased 3¢, at 294¢/kg lwt
  • Heavy steers jumped 2¢, to 294¢/kg lwt
  • Medium cows held firm, on 232¢/kg lwt
  • Feeder steers gained 1¢, to 347¢/kg lwt

For the full list of cattle market reports, please click here.

Note: All yardings and prices referenced are from MLA reported saleyards