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Sheepmeat export values above average in 2015

18 February 2016

Australian lamb export values for 2015 reached a value of A$1.78 billion FOB, 5% above 2014 and 44% above the five year average (Australian Bureau of Statistics).

The average unit value for Australian lamb exports during 2015 averaged $7.10/kg – up 4% year-on-year.

Australia’s major export markets recorded mixed trends in 2015, compared to the same time last year.

  • The US – A$599.4 million, up 31%
  • The UAE – A$137.9 million, up 18%
  • China – A$141.6 million, down 35%
  • Japan – A$72.9 million, down 17%
  • The UK – A$66.5 million, down 19%

Australian mutton export values decreased 13% year-on-year, to A$752 million FOB. Despite the decline, values remained 33% above the five year average.

The mutton export unit value rose in 2015, up 4% year-on-year, to average $4.65/kg.

In comparison to 2014, mutton export values eased to most major destinations, except the US.  

  • China – A$108 million, back 28%
  • The US – A$92.8 million, up 18%
  • Malaysia – A$72.9 million, down 4%
  • The UAE – A$52.8 million, down 12%