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Goat slaughter rises in November, prices remain high

29 November 2016

Last week (ending 25 November), eastern states goat slaughter reached the highest weekly level since March, at 36,614 head, and brings the November weekly average to 30,363 head, up 2% year-on-year.

For the year-to-date, however, average weekly eastern states goat slaughter is back 9% compared to the same period last year, at 27,423 head. Wet conditions across the eastern states in winter and spring impacted goat slaughter and the tightening of supplies helped prices to remain buoyant.

Over-the-hook export goat indicators this week remain at a record level, with 12-16 kg cwt goats averaging 611¢, bringing the November average to 596¢, up 111¢/kg cwt year-on-year. Across all weight ranges this week, indicators topped at 640¢/kg cwt.

The strength of the goat market is likely to remain supported as demand continues to develop for the end product both overseas and in Australia.