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Friday daily sheep summary

16 December 2016

At Wagga, lamb supplies declined 8% to 24,000 head. In the last sale for the year, quality was notably mixed – with most lambs in full wool presenting in dry condition and lacking finish. A reasonable yarding of shorn trade and heavy lambs were on offer, with not all the usual export or domestic buyers competing throughout the sale.

Mutton yardings held firm at 10,000 head this week, with a mixed level of quality seen throughout. A smaller group of buyers were present, and heavy mutton sold to strong northern competition – resulting in a dearer trend.

  • New season light weight 2 score lambs to restockers were up 65¢ - to 712¢/kg cwt
  • Old season trade weight 3 score lambs to slaughter were back 22¢ - to 506¢/kg cwt
  • Old season heavy weight 4 score lambs to processors eased 9¢ - to 522¢/kg cwt
  • Heavy weight 3 score merino wethers averaged 14¢ dearer – at 392¢/kg cwt

At the close of Thursday’s markets:

  • The eastern states restocker lamb indicator finished 12¢ higher, at 618¢/kg cwt
  • Merino lambs were up 22¢, to 492¢/kg cwt
  • Light lambs gained 5¢, to 563¢/kg cwt
  • Trade lambs were back 1¢, to 498¢/kg cwt
  • Heavy lambs eased 2¢, to 490¢/kg cwt
  • The mutton indicator settled 6¢ lower, at 375¢/kg cwt

For the full list of sheep market reports, please click here                                  Note: All yardings and prices referenced are from MLA reported saleyards.