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EU HQB grainfed quota reaches critical status

09 June 2016

The EU high quality beef (HQB) grainfed quota utilisation has achieved critical status (90% usage) in the current fiscal year (2015-16), with imports as at 3 June totalling 44,064 tonnes swt (or 91.4% of the total allocated quota for the year). This is the earliest the quota has achieved critical status since the quota was created in 2009.

EU imports under the grainfed quota have steadily risen over the past few years, with the US, Australia and Uruguay the major suppliers, collectively accounting for more than 95% of total imports on average. New Zealand, Canada, and Argentina also have access to the quota but currently account for just a small percentage of total imports.

  • Australian beef exports to the EU for the fiscal year-to-date (July to May) were up 4.5% on the previous year, to 15,380 tonnes swt. Since Australia gained access to the EU grainfed quota in 2010, shipments have increased each year, reflecting strong demand for Australian product.
  • Likewise, Uruguayan shipments under the EU grainfed quota have increased over the past few years, reaching its highest volume for the current fiscal year-to-date (11,340 tonnes swt), and representing 26% of total imports for the period.