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WA lamb and sheep supply tightens

29 June 2016

In June, lamb saleyard throughput in WA eased 27% year-on-year, to 53,848 head – 5% lower than the five-year average (2011-2015) for the month (56,940 head).

Wet weather across the key producing regions of the state saw offerings contract during the month and, while solid buyer demand was reported compared to May, saleyard indicators declined year-on-year.  The WA trade lamb indicator averaged 500¢ in June, 20¢/kg cwt lower than the corresponding month last year. The WA heavy lamb indicator fell 41¢ year-on-year, to 483¢/kg cwt. 

WA average weekly lamb slaughter for June eased 5% on the previous month’s levels, to 49,852 head. Typical for this time of year, processor maintenance shutdowns affect kill volumes, which will likely continue into July. 

WA mutton yardings slipped 18% year-on-year, to 33,536 head in June – 19% lower than the five-year average (41,454 head). Following the lower trend, average weekly mutton slaughter for June halved month-on-month, at 11,362 head.

The tighter supply at the saleyards this week, along with strong live export and grazier competition, saw the WA mutton indicator lift to its highest weekly level since September 2014, and up 51¢ year-on-year, to average 308¢/kg cwt.