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Thursday daily sheep summary

04 February 2016

CTLX lamb consignments eased 2% week-on-week to 6,100 head. There was a good selection of lighter weights and shorn lambs however well finished new season lambs were in short supply.

Sheep numbers jumped 74% week-on-week to 5,750 head. All categories were well represented however quality across the yardings was mixed.

  • Light weight 2 score new season lambs to restockers remained steady on 492¢/kg cwt
  • Trade weight 3 score old lambs to slaughter jumped 24¢ to 590¢/kg cwt
  • Heavy weight 4 score old lambs to slaughter increased 14¢ to 573¢/kg cwt
  • Heavy weight 4 score first cross ewes averaged 254¢/kg cwt, back 22¢

Sheep yardings at Hamilton increased 50% week-on-week to 12,319 head. Quality was mixed across all categories and all weights were on offer. The full field of buyers were present and operating in a generally stronger market, however restocker interest was limited.

  • Light weight 1 score Merino ewes lifted 38¢ to average 253¢/kg cwt
  • Medium weight 2 score Merino ewes averaged 284¢/kg cwt, up 17¢
  • Heavy weight 3 score first cross ewes gained 13¢, averaging 268¢/kg cwt

At the close of Wednesday’s markets:                               

  • The eastern states restocker lamb indicator increased 4¢ on 555¢/kg cwt
  • Merino lambs gained 5¢ on 500¢/kg cwt
  • Light lambs were up 6¢ on 524¢/kg cwt
  • Trade lambs dipped 3¢ on 553¢/kg cwt
  • Heavy lambs were 1¢ up on 560¢/kg cwt
  • The mutton indicator increased 2¢ on 311¢/kg cwt

For the full list of sheep market reports, please click here                                                 

Note: All yardings and prices referenced are from MLA reported saleyards.