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Thursday daily cattle summary

04 February 2016

Dalby cattle supply lifted to 3,362 head of fair to good quality runs. Yearling steers and heifers were in good supply and restocker competition supported dearer prices. A full field of buyers were present and operating in a generally dearer market.

  • Medium weight C2 yearling steers to feed increased 3¢ to 323¢/kg lwt
  • Light weight C2 yearling heifers to restockers averaged 320¢/kg lwt, up 3¢
  • Medium weight C2 yearling heifers to feed gained 21¢, averaging 306¢/kg lwt
  • Medium weight C4 grown steers to slaughter increased 13¢ to average 286¢/kg lwt
  • Heavy weight D4 cows to slaughter increased 1¢ to average 246¢/kg lwt

Yardings remained steady week-on-week at Casino with 1,755 head of mostly good quality cattle. Medium weight young cattle were in good supply however there were reduced numbers of heavier weights across all categories. All regular buyers were in attendance and operating in a stable market.

  • Light weight C2 vealer steers to restockers dipped 3¢ to 327¢/kg lwt
  • Light weight C2 vealer heifers to slaughter gained 2¢ to average 314¢/kg lwt
  • Medium weight D4 cows to slaughter averaged 231¢/kg lwt, up 3¢

Warrnambool consignments lifted to 1,750 head of mixed quality export and young cattle. A full field of buyers were in operation and prices remained strong across most categories due to additional export buyer competition.

  • Heavy weight C2 vealer steers to slaughter remained steady at 292¢/kg lwt
  • Heavy weight C3 steers to slaughter dipped 2¢, averaging 277¢/kg lwt
  • C3 Bullocks to slaughter increased 11¢ to average 283¢/kg lwt
  • Heavy weight D2 dairy cows increased 4¢ to 190¢/kg lwt

At the close of Wednesday’s markets:

  • The Eastern Young Cattle Indicator (EYCI) closed at 589.25¢, back 0.50¢/kg cwt
  • Trade steers were down 4¢ on 306¢/kg lwt
  • Medium steers were unchanged on 282¢/kg lwt
  • Heavy steers averaged 288¢, back 1¢/kg lwt
  • Medium cows increased 2¢ to average 222¢/kg lwt
  • Feeder steers gained 2¢ to 317¢/kg lwt

For the full list of cattle market reports, please click here.

Note: All yardings and prices referenced are from MLA reported saleyards