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Roma store sale yards less than 1,000 head

09 February 2016

Roma store sale today yarded 972 head, the second smallest offering of cattle since MLA began reporting the market in 2010. The lowest yarding was on 29 September 2010, with 903 head, which for many parts of Queensland was one of the wettest Septembers on record.

Numbers declined dramatically after rainfall across the region and continued short supply of cattle. Despite the small numbers, a fair amount of restockers were at the sale and feedlot buyers showed solid demand for the few suitable cattle on offer. Light yearling heifers returned to the paddock at up to 8¢ dearer, while restockers paid up to 17¢/kg extra for 3 score cows.

Calves experienced good price gains and light weight yearling steers hit 414¢ to average between 362¢ and 380¢/kg. Medium weight yearling steers to feed sold to 322¢, while those to restockers made to 356¢ and averaged 349¢/kg. Heavy weight yearling steers to feed earned to 330¢/kg. Light weight yearling heifers reached 351¢ and averaged between 325¢ and 332¢/kg. Medium weight yearling heifers to feed sold to 338¢ and averaged 318¢, up 14¢/kg.

The PTIC cows sold between 213¢ and 222¢/kg. A few 3 score medium weight cows to restockers made to 230¢, while those to processors earned to 226¢ and averaged 217¢/kg.

For the full market report, please click here.