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How did January fodder prices compare to last year?

02 February 2016

Australian fodder prices, as reported by the Australian Fodder Institute (AFIA) on behalf of Dairy Australia, have remained fairly stable over the past few months, although there have been some considerable fluctuations when comparing January averages to the corresponding month last year.

In the Central West NSW:

  • Cereal fodder prices were 5% higher year-on-year, averaging $253/tonne in January
  • Lucerne eased 2%, at $353/tonne
  • Straw averaged $140/tonne in January – there is no year-on-year comparison available due to a period without quotes for this category earlier in 2015.

In the Darling Downs, Queensland:

  • Cereal fodder prices dropped 18% on year-ago levels, to $320/tonne
  • Lucerne was back 4%, at $455/tonne
  • Pasture averaged $285/tonne in January – no year-on-year comparison available
  • Straw prices declined 16%, to $160/tonne

In the Goulburn Valley, Victoria:

  • Cereal prices were down 2% year-on-year, at $215/tonne
  • Lucerne lifted 3%, to $320/tonne
  • Pasture fodder prices were unchanged on year-ago levels, at $160/tonne
  • Straw was 10% dearer, at $110/tonne

In South East SA:

  • Cereal prices were 7% lower in January this year, at $233/tonne
  • Lucerne eased 5%, to $310/tonne
  • Pasture prices were steady, at $200/tonne
  • Straw prices increased 9%, to $120/tonne

In South West WA:

  • Cereal prices jumped 35% year-on-year, to $230/tonne
  • Lucerne was down 1%, at $495/tonne
  • Pasture prices averaged $180/tonne – no year-on-year comparison available
  • Straw prices were unchanged, at $100/tonne