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Friday daily cattle summary

05 February 2016

Roma numbers dipped to 1,482 head across the combined prime and store sale. Quality was mostly plain however a few runs of good quality cattle were on offer. The usual feedlot buyers were present however not all operating and many restockers did not attend.

  • Light weight C2 yearling steers to restockers were on 365¢/kg lwt
  • Light weight D2 yearling heifers to restockers were on 323¢/kg lwt
  • C4 Bullocks to slaughter were on 284¢/kg lwt
  • Heavy weight D4 cows to slaughter were 243¢/kg lwt

Yardings at Dubbo lifted to 3,760 head of mixed quality runs. Well finished cattle were on offer in all categories, however there was a fair percentage of store condition young cattle and cows.

  • Medium weight C2 yearling steers to feed averaged 6¢ dearer on 329¢/kg lwt
  • Heavy weight C3 yearling steers to feed were 328¢, gaining 3¢
  • Heavy weight D4 cows to slaughter eased 2¢ to 221¢/kg lwt

Bairnsdale sale saw an increase in numbers to 600 export and 220 young cattle of mixed quality across all categories. A full buying group was in attendance and the return of a domestic buyer drove strong competition, with most markets selling to a dearer trend.

  • Heavy weight C3 yearling steers to feed sold 17¢ higher on 301¢/kg lwt
  • Heavy weight C3 grown steers to slaughter averaged 299¢/kg lwt, up 13¢
  • Heavy weight D3 cows to slaughter gained 7¢, averaging 228¢/kg lwt

At the close of Thursday’s markets:

  • The Eastern Young Cattle Indicator (EYCI) closed at 589.75¢, up 0.50¢/kg cwt
  • Trade steers were up14¢ on 307¢/kg lwt
  • Medium steers were unchanged on 282¢/kg lwt
  • Heavy steers were unchanged on 288¢/kg lwt
  • Medium cows increased 1¢ to average 223¢/kg lwt
  • Feeder steers gained 2¢ to 319¢/kg lwt

For the full list of cattle market reports, please click here.

Note: All yardings and prices referenced are from MLA reported saleyards