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2016 Sheep Industry Fast Facts released

06 September 2016

MLA has recently released Australia’s Sheep Industry Fast Facts 2016, which provides producers and stakeholders with a snapshot of the latest industry data, including flock size, exports, production, consumption and Australia’s position relative to other countries.

Some of the highlights for 2015-16 are:

  • Australia exported just over 241,900 tonnes swt of lamb and 147,800 tonnes swt of mutton (DA).
  • Australia produced 516,366 tonnes cwt of lamb and 196,040 tonnes cwt of mutton (ABS).
  • The gross value of Australian lamb and mutton production is estimated at $3.3 billion (ABARES).
  • Australia exported 56% of total Australian lamb production and 91% of total Australian mutton production (DA, ABS).
  • Australians ate around 9.5kg of lamb and 0.7kg of mutton per person – among the highest sheepmeat consumption in the world (MLA estimates).

To access the latest sheep industry fast facts, click here.