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2016 Beef Fast Facts released

13 September 2016

MLA’s Market Information recently released the Australian Beef Industry Fast Facts 2016, which provides a brief snapshot of key industry statistics – including herd size, production, value, consumption, exports and Australia’s position relative to other countries.

Some highlights from the 2016 edition include:

  • The Australian cattle herd consists of 27.4 million head of cattle as of June 2015, including 2.8 million head of dairy cattle (ABS Agricultural Commodities 2014-15)
  • The off-farm value (domestic expenditure plus export value) of the Australian beef and cattle industry was $17.87 billion in 2015-16 (ABS, MLA estimate)
  • In 2015-16, Australia produced approximately 2.34 million tonnes cwt of beef and veal (ABS)
  • During 2015, Australia was the world’s largest beef exporter (USDA)
  • In 2015-16, Australia exported 74% of its total beef and veal production to 84 countries (DA, ABS)
  • Domestic expenditure on beef was approximately $7.83 billion in 2015-16 (MLA estimate)

To view the full Australian Beef Industry Fast Facts 2016, click here.

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