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2015 Australian goat industry overview

19 April 2016

MLA recently released the 2015 annual summary of the Australian goat industry.

Major highlights include:

  • Strong international demand and a lower A$ assisted Australian goat export values increasing (1%) from year-ago levels – to $243.2 million.
  • In 2015, Australian goat slaughter surpassed the previous year’s record by 1%, reaching 2.14 million head – increasing 8% from the five-year average (ABS).
  • Goat production totalled 32,746 tonnes cwt, down 1% year-on-year. Victoria remained the major producing state, increasing 10% from year-ago levels – at 14,312 tonnes cwt (ABS). Offsetting the Victorian rise was a decline in production across other major producing states such as Queensland and SA.
  • Goatmeat export volumes decreased 16% year-on-year, to 29,965 tonnes swt. Despite lowering 8% year-on-year, the US remained the largest recipient of shipments – with over 17,600 tonnes swt exported. The lower export volumes are more than likely reflective of growing domestic demand for goat meat.
  • Live goat exports increased 2% from the previous year, at 90,190 head – with those to Malaysia contributing to more than 90% of total shipments (84,380 head).

To read more on the 2015 Australian goat Industry summary, please click here.