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Wintry conditions tighten supplies, prices rise

16 July 2015

Eastern states lamb supply, reported by MLA’s National Livestock Reporting Service, decreased 33% week-on-week, to 101,179 head, after cold and, in places, wet conditions affected consignments.

At the close of Thursday’s markets:

  • The eastern states restocker lamb indicator was 12¢ lower week-on-week, on 520¢/kg cwt
  • Merino lambs were 22¢ higher on 538¢/kg cwt
  • Light lambs gained 40¢ to 549¢/kg cwt
  • The Eastern States Trade Lamb Indicator (ESTLI) increased 41¢ to settle on 593¢/kg cwt
  • The heavy lamb indicator lifted 29¢ to 593¢/kg cwt

Eastern states mutton yardings eased 25% week-on-week, totalling 38,767 head. The tighter supply was felt across all states and as a result prices lifted, with heavy mutton showcased at Wagga.

  • The mutton indicator increased 32¢ week-on-week on 393¢/kg cwt.