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Wednesday daily cattle summary
08 July 2015
Roma Store yarded the largest yarding for the year, with 12,242 head consigned. Heavy weight C3 yearling steers to feed were unchanged in price to average 276¢, while medium weight D2 yearling heifers to restockers were 24¢ dearer on 271¢/kg. Heavy weight C4 grown steers to slaughter averaged 258¢, while heavy C4 bullocks to slaughter settled on 254¢/kg. Medium weight D3 cows to slaughter averaged 207¢/kg.
Numbers jumped at CTLX to 4,350 head and quality was very mixed. Medium weight C2 yearling steers to feed were 1¢ lower on 317¢, while the same weight yearling heifers to feed were 13¢ cheaper on 288¢/kg. Heavy weight D3 and D4 cows to slaughter were 2¢ to 5¢ dearer to sell between 235¢ and 243¢/kg.
Numbers increased to 2,524 head at NVLX Barnawartha and quality was plainer. Heavy weight C3 yearling steers to slaughter were 5¢ higher on 313¢, while the same weight yearling heifers were 4¢ cheaper on 291¢/kg. Heavy weight C3 grown steers to slaughter were 3¢ higher on 310¢, while medium weight C3 grown heifers were 4¢ lower on 271¢/kg.
At the conclusion of Tuesday’s markets the Eastern Young Cattle Indicator (EYCI) was 2¢ higher on 535¢/kg cwt. Trade steers gained about 1¢ to 310¢, while medium steers were 14¢ higher on 289¢/kg lwt. Heavy steers were back around 1¢ to 275¢, while medium cows were firm on 211¢/kg cwt. The feeder steer indicator dropped nearly 2¢ to settle on 300¢/kg lwt.
Note: All yardings and prices referenced are from MLA’s National Livestock Reporting Service (NLRS) reported saleyards.