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WA weekly sheep summary

24 September 2015


WA lamb supply decreased 16% week-on-week, to 10,485 head.

  • Katanning supply slipped17%, to 5,000 head
  • Muchea yardings eased 16%, to 5,485 head

Quality at Muchea was good, with around 4,400 young lambs yarded. Lower quality at Katanning saw young lamb prices ease. Numbers direct-to-works are reportedly high, affecting prices at the saleyard level.

Light weight 3 score young lambs to feed were 1¢ dearer on 426¢, while those to slaughter lost 35¢ to average 457¢/kg cwt. Trade weight 2 and 3 score young lambs to slaughter were cheaper to range from 421¢ to 538¢/kg cwt.


WA mutton supply was firm week-on-week at 14,845 head.

  • Katanning supply eased 7%, to 7,385 head
  • Muchea yarded 12% more sheep, at 7,460 head

There was strong competition from restockers throughout the mutton yarding at Katanning. Heavy weight ewes were prominent at Muchea, resulting in prices easing.

Medium weight 2 score Merino ewes decreased 28¢ to average 253¢, while those bought by restockers eased to 206¢/kg cwt. Heavy weight 3 score Merino ewes lost 24¢ to averaged 250¢/kg cwt.

Light weight 2 score young Merino wethers to restockers were 21¢ dearer on 389¢, while medium weight 2 and 3 score young wethers to live export buyers ranged in price from 350¢ to 474¢/kg cwt.

Note: All yardings and prices referenced from MLA reported saleyards.