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WA weekly sheep summary

20 August 2015


Light showers continued this week across most of WA agricultural areas. Lamb numbers eased slightly.

  • Muchea numbers lifted to 5,570 head
  • Katanning yarded around 4,000 head

Lamb quality improved this week with solid numbers of new season lambs offered, including some good heavy weight drafts. Old lamb quality improved but there were again plenty of secondary and store drafts with a solid percentage being Merinos.

Light weight 2 score young lambs to slaughter were 20¢ lower on 478¢, while trade weight 2 score lines were 7¢ cheaper on 502¢/kg cwt.

Light weight 3 score old lambs to slaughter lifted 36¢ to average 508¢/kg, while there was limited trade and heavy weights yarded.


WA mutton supply lifted to around 11,200 head. Ewe supplies lifted strongly but wether and ram supplies remained similar.

  • Muchea yarded double week-on-week, with 6,200 head
  • Katanning supplies were similar at 5,000 head

Medium weight 2 score Merino ewes lifted 16¢ to average 298¢, while 3 score lines were 22¢ higher on 324¢/kg cwt. Heavy weight 3 score Merino ewes increased 9¢ to settle on 324¢/kg cwt.

Note: All yardings and prices referenced from MLA’s National Livestock Reporting Service (NLRS) reported saleyards.