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WA weekly sheep summary
27 August 2015
WA lamb supply lifted 10% week-on-week, to 10,650 head. Lamb quality was similar week-on-week; however there was not as much weight in the young lamb drafts.
- Consignments at Katanning attributed to the rise, up 47% to 6,000 head
- Muchea throughput fell 17%, to 4,650 head
Trade weight 3 score young lambs to slaughter were 20¢ higher on 540¢/kg cwt.
Light weight 3 score old season Merino lambs eased 13¢ to average 387¢, while trade weight 2 score lambs to slaughter lifted 38¢ to settle on 527¢/kg cwt. Heavy weight 3 score lambs to slaughter were 23¢ cheaper on 498¢/kg cwt.
Sheep numbers eased only 2% week-on-week, to 11,052 head.
- Supply at Muchea lifted 17%, to 7,261 head
- Katanning yardings eased 24% to 3,791 head
Ewe weight and quality was good at Muchea and good lines of young wether lambs met solid competition from processors and live exporters. Wethers were again in solid demand at Katanning.
Young light weight 3 score Merino ewes averaged 476¢/kg cwt. Medium weight 2 score Merino ewes lifted 26¢ to 324¢, while heavy weight 3 score Merino ewes were 12¢ higher on 321¢/kg cwt.
Note: All yardings and prices referenced from MLA’s National Livestock Reporting Service (NLRS) reported saleyards.