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WA restocker lamb prices jump

02 July 2015

WA lamb supply, reported by MLA’s National Livestock Reporting Service, was 50% higher week-on-week, totalling 10,113 head, with both Katanning and Muchea recording increased consignments. The south-west corner of the state received decent rainfall during June and was a welcome relief after a drier than average three months. The rainfall outlook over the next couple of months looks promising for WA.

Lamb contracts direct-to-works are reportedly filling well, resulting in reduced processor activity at the saleyards, while restockers capitalised on the easing market this week. The WA restocker lamb indicator jumped 43¢ week-on-week, to 468¢/kg cwt. Merino lambs eased 1¢ to 472¢, while light lambs were 33¢ higher on 480¢/kg cwt. The WA trade lamb indicator was 12¢ lower on 485¢, while heavy lambs slipped 42¢ to 487¢/kg cwt.

WA mutton throughput eased 2% week-on-week, to 4,926 head. Katanning yarded an extra 1,000 head, while Muchea consignments dropped 55%, to 926 head. The WA mutton indicator was 20¢ lower week-on-week, on 239¢ – 90¢/kg cwt lower than the corresponding week last year.