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Tuesday daily sheep summary
14 July 2015
The wet and wintery conditions at Dubbo saw numbers reduce to 20,694 head. Light weight 2 score lambs to slaughter were 10¢ lower on 586¢, while trade weight 3 score lambs to slaughter were 5¢ cheaper on 578¢/kg cwt. Heavy weight 4 score lambs to slaughter were 22¢ higher on 577¢/kg cwt. Medium weight 2 score Merino ewes averaged 385¢/kg cwt.
There was a decline in lamb numbers, although sheep supply lifted at Bendigo, with a total of 17,100 head. Light weight 2 score merino lambs were 9¢ higher on 542¢, while first cross lines were gained 27¢ to average 565¢/kg cwt. Trade weight lines were limited, while heavy weight 3 score lambs to slaughter were 27¢ dearer on 630¢/kg cwt.
At the conclusion of Mondays markets the eastern states restocker lamb indicator was 10¢ lower on 484¢/kg cwt. Merino lambs eased 6¢ to 530¢, while light lambs were unchanged on 543¢/kg cwt. The Eastern States Trade Lamb Indicator (ESTLI) slipped 1¢ to 575¢, while heavy lambs were up 1¢ to 571¢/kg cwt. The mutton indicator was 4¢ lower on 388¢/kg cwt.
Note: All yardings and prices referenced are from MLA’s National Livestock Reporting Service (NLRS) reported saleyards.