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Tuesday daily cattle summary
25 August 2015
Consignments at TRLX Tamworth decreased 31% on the previous sale, to 1,513 head, following a significant rainfall event and a forecast for more to come. The yarding comprised of good supplies of yearlings, with well finished heavy cattle also in fair numbers. Overall quality was fair to good, however there was reduced processor and feedlot competition this week.
- Medium and heavy C2 yearling feeder steers were back 8¢, to average between 312¢ and 322¢/kg
- Medium and heavy C3 yearling heifers to slaughter were 1¢ to 7¢ cheaper, averaging in the early 290¢/kg range
- Heavy C3 grown steers slipped 14¢ on last week, to mostly sell around 295¢/kg
- Medium D2 cows were firm on 212¢, while the 3 scores gained 11¢ to average 247¢/kg
Wagga numbers were steady, at 2,800 head, and quality was very mixed, with increased supplies of light weight cattle in plainer store condition. The bulk of the better finished lines of yearling steers and heifers were crop finished or supplementary fed. The usual contingent of domestic buyers was present, however not all export buyers attended or operated fully, with processors particularly quiet on the cow yarding. There was, however, increased feedlot and restocker competition from northern NSW and Queensland on well-bred secondary lines.
- Medium C2 yearling feeder steers eased 2¢, averaging 333¢, while the heavy weights were 4¢ lower on 329¢/kg
- Medium and heavy weight C3 yearling heifers to slaughter were up to 18¢ cheaper and generally averaged between 310¢ and 319¢/kg
- Heavy C3 grown steers eased 5¢, averaging 333¢
- Heavy D4 manufacturing steers were 7¢ lower, averaging 260¢
Toowoomba Elders yarded 911 head, back slightly week-on-week. Quality was fairly plain, with only a small number of young cattle suitable for slaughter offered. The market held up well, with most cattle selling similar to last week’s prices.
- Light C2 vealer heifers to slaughter eased 6¢, to 264¢, while those purchased by restockers averaged 260¢/kg
- Light C2 yearling steers returned to the paddock at 299¢, while medium weights purchased by lot feeders averaged 304¢/kg
- Medium C3 grown steers to feeders averaged 279¢/kg
- Heavy C4 grown steers to slaughter remained steady on 283¢/kg
At the close of Monday’s markets:
- The Eastern Young Cattle Indicator (EYCI) hovered at 563.25¢/kg cwt
- Trade steers averaged 319¢, back 2¢/kg lwt
- Feeder steers averaged 315¢, up 1¢/kg lwt
- Medium steers averaged 300¢, back 2¢/kg lwt
- Heavy steers averaged 305¢, down 3¢/kg lwt
- Medium cows remained firm to average 236¢/kg lwt
For the full list of cattle market reports, please click here.
Note: All yardings and prices referenced are from MLA’s National Livestock Reporting Service (NLRS) reported saleyards.