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Thursday daily sheep summary

27 August 2015

Lamb consignments at Horsham lifted 78% week-on-week, to 4,653 head, with a large percentage of the yarding consisting of new season lambs in average to good condition.

Sheep throughput was 14% higher, at 4,815 head, with all weights and grades on offer and selling to strong competition.

  • New season light weight 3 score lambs increased 13¢ on 585¢/kg cwt
  • New season trade weight 3 score lambs slipped 17¢ on 590¢/kg cwt
  • New season heavy weight 3 score lambs declined 38¢ and averaged 590¢/kg cwt
  • Medium weight 2 score Merino ewes gained 1¢ on 408¢/kg cwt

At CTLX, lamb numbers were back 38%, to 3,550 head, due to substantial rain in the supply region over the past few days. There were a few pens of new season trade weight lambs on offer, and limited well-finished old season lambs. There were no extra heavy weights penned.

Sheep consignments were 28% lower, on 1,575 head, and it was a plain quality yarding overall, mainly consisting of store conditioned ewes and wethers.

  • New season trade weight 3 score lambs were up 29¢ and averaged 622¢/kg cwt
  • Old season light weight 3 score lambs averaged 589¢/kg cwt
  • Old season trade weight 3 score lambs averaged 583¢/kg cwt
  • Old season heavy weight 4 score lambs fell 2¢ on 571¢/kg cwt
  • Medium weight 3 score Merino ewes jumped 33¢ on 362¢/kg cwt

At the close of Wednesday’s markets:

  • The eastern states restocker lamb indicator increased 12¢ on 571¢/kg cwt
  • Merino lambs lifted 3¢ on 507¢/kg cwt
  • Light lambs were up 5¢ on 531¢/kg cwt
  • Trade lambs gained 4¢ on 580¢/kg cwt
  • Heavy lambs were 1¢ higher on 587¢/kg cwt
  • The mutton indicator climbed 7¢ and finished on 376¢/kg cwt

Note: All yardings and prices referenced are from MLA’s National Livestock Reporting Service (NLRS) reported saleyards.