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Thursday daily cattle summary

13 August 2015

Throughput at Dalby increased 14%, to 5,242 head. There were large numbers of calves from drought affected areas but the quality of the yearling section was generally good. Additional restocker support pushed light weight yearling prices higher, and domestic trade and export cattle also sold to a dealer trend.

  • Medium C2 yearling feeder steers improved 5¢, averaging 302¢ and selling to a top of 320¢/kg
  • Similar weight and condition heifers lines to feed on jumped 15¢, averaging 282¢/kg
  • Heavy C4 grown steers improved 1¢, to average 282¢/kg
  • Medium D2 cows to slaughter gained 9¢, averaging 219¢/kg

Casino yarded 1,700 head, back 15% week-on-week. Quality was mixed but the market trended dearer, with most vealers up 10-15¢/kg.

  • Light D2 restocker vealer steers eased 4¢, averaging 284¢/kg
  • The same weight and condition female lines returning to the paddock improved 3¢, averaging 254¢/kg
  • Medium (200-280kg) C2 vealer heifers to the trade jumped 15¢, averaging 277¢/kg
  • Medium D2 cows to slaughter jumped 9¢, averaging 212¢/kg

Consignments at Leongatha declined 10%, to 1,800 head, but not all buyers were present or fully operating and prices eased.

  • Medium D3 yearling heifers to the trade eased 19¢, averaging 286¢/kg
  • Heavy D3 grown steers lost 20¢, to average 324¢/kg
  • Medium D1 dairy cows slipped 31¢, averaging 192¢/kg

At the close of Wednesday’s markets:

  • The Eastern Young Cattle Indicator (EYCI) settled at 568.25¢, up 2.25¢/kg cwt on where if finished the previous day
  • Trade steers averaged 324¢, back 2¢/kg lwt
  • Feeder steers averaged 313¢, up 1¢/kg lwt
  • Medium steers averaged 306¢/kg lwt, steady
  • Heavy steers averaged 320¢/kg lwt, steady
  • Medium cows averaged 234¢, back 1¢/kg lwt

For the full list of cattle market reports, please click here.

Note: All yardings and prices referenced are from MLA’s National Livestock Reporting Service (NLRS) reported saleyards.