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Thursday daily cattle summary

27 August 2015

Consignments at Dalby declined 3%, to 5,489 head, and prices mostly improved. The vast majority of cattle were in generally good quality however there were some consignments of drought affected western cattle. There was additional restocker interest on light young cattle following light rain across the region.

  • Light (200-280kg) C2 yearling steers to restockers improved 15¢, averaging 310¢/kg
  • The same weight and condition females to the same orders jumped 35¢, to average 295¢/kg
  • C4 bullocks improved 6¢, averaging 289¢/kg
  • Heavy D4 cows gained 6¢, averaging 255¢/kg

Throughput at Casino was back 27%, at 1,330 head, with both fewer young and grown cattle offered. There were some finished supplementary fed young cattle yarded but the majority were in plain condition and showing the effects of winter.

  • Light D2 vealer steers to restockers jumped 22¢, averaging 299¢/kg
  • The same female lines to restockers improved 8¢, averaging 257¢/kg
  • Medium (200-280kg) C2 vealer heifers to the trade gained 15¢, averaging 287¢/kg
  • Medium D3 cows to slaughter eased 2¢, averaging 232¢/kg

Leongatha yarded 1,300 head, back 6% week-on-week. Prices were mostly dearer across all categories.

  • Heavy C3 yearling heifers to slaughter improved 13¢, averaging 325¢/kg
  • Heavy C3 grown steers gained 5¢, averaging 330¢/kg
  • Medium E1 dairy cows eased 2¢, averaging 173¢/kg.

At the close of Wednesday’s markets:

  • The Eastern Young Cattle Indicator (EYCI) settled at 570.75¢, up 3.50¢/kg cwt on where it finished the previous day
  • Trade steers averaged 319¢, up 2¢/kg lwt
  • Feeder steers averaged 317¢, up 1¢/kg lwt
  • Medium steers averaged 315¢, back 1¢/kg lwt
  • Heavy steers averaged 305¢/kg lwt, steady
  • Medium cows averaged 236¢, back 1/kg lwt

For the full list of cattle market reports, please click here.

Note: All yardings and prices referenced are from MLA’s National Livestock Reporting Service (NLRS) reported saleyards.