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Thursday daily cattle

08 October 2015

Dalby throughput slipped 8% week-on-week, to 6,930 head. There was a mixed quality yarding with the heavy weight yearlings and grown cattle showing some good finish however there was some variation in the standard of the young lightweight cattle. The usual buyers were in attendance and operating in a generally cheaper market.

  • Light C2 yearling steers to restockers declined 31¢, to average 300¢/kg
  • Medium C2 yearling steers to feed dropped 11¢, averaging 315¢/kg
  • Medium C3 yearling heifers to feed dropped 18¢, averaging 292¢/kg while Medium C3 yearling heifers to slaughter slipped 12¢, to average 288¢kg
  • Heavy C4 grown steers dropped 15¢, to average 298¢/kg
  • Heavy D4 cows declined 10¢ averaging 256¢/kg

Throughput at Casino increased 10% to yard 1,300 head. With an increased number of vealer cattle, quality of the younger cattle was mixed. There were several lines of well finished supplementary fed cattle, along with a fair number of plain cattle through the sale. The usual buyers were in attendance and operating in a cheaper market

  • Light C2 vealer steers to slaughter declined 21¢, averaging 287¢/kg
  • Light D2 vealer steers back to the paddock slipped 28¢, to average 296¢/kg
  • Light C2 vealer heifers to slaughter decreased 3¢, to average 297¢/kg
  • Medium D2 cows declined 10¢, averaging 209¢/kg

The yarding at Leongatha jumped 39% to 2,005 head. Quality was mixed with a significant number of secondary lines and fewer prime cattle on offer, the usual buying group were present and operating in a selectively cheaper market.

  • Medium D3 yearling heifers to slaughter declined 33¢, averaging 276¢/kg
  • Heavy D3 grown steers were down 24¢, to average 299¢/kg
  • Heavy D3 bullocks slipped 25¢, to average 295¢/kg
  • Medium D3 manufacturing steers slipped 34¢, averaging 281¢kg
  • Heavy D4 cows decreased 12¢, to average 236¢/kg

At the close of Wednesday’s markets:

  • The Eastern Young Cattle Indicator (EYCI) declined 5.25¢ to 273.75¢/kg cwt
  • Trade steers fell 3¢ on 305¢ kg lwt
  • Medium steers were back 7¢ on 292¢/kg lwt
  • Heavy steers were 5¢ lower on 302¢/kg lwt
  • Medium cows decreased 4¢ on 238¢/kg lwt
  • Feeder steers were back 4¢ on 318¢kg lwt

For the full list of cattle market reports, please click here.

Note: All yardings and prices referenced are from MLA reported saleyards