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Tasmania market summary
02 July 2015
There was a much smaller yarding of trade and export cattle at Killafaddy and Powranna, with 60% being cows. All trade cattle prices improved, with most good quality yearlings averaging 10¢ to 20¢/kg higher.
Good quality yearling steers sold for 208¢ to 250¢ and the heifers from 204¢ to 246¢/kg. There were 35 grown steers, heifers and bullocks and most met a firm market, with the steers making 216¢ to 240¢, heifers 187¢ to 230¢ and bullocks 211¢ to 240¢/kg.
There were 114 cows and all met a much stronger market, with most averages 20¢ to 30¢/kg higher. Light D1 cows made from 110¢ to 140¢, while lean D2 light and medium weights were from 160¢ to 172¢ and the good quality medium weights made 184¢ to 201¢/kg. Heavy beef cows sold for 180¢ to 206¢, averaging 196.5¢/kg.
There was a much smaller yarding of lambs at Powranna and Killafaddy, with only a few light and very light lambs included. Prices for trade and heavy lambs were dearer, with trade weights $4 to $6 higher and heavy weights $5 to $10/head better than last week. The mutton market was very strong, with most averages $6 to $10/head dearer.
The few light lambs made $91 to $94, while light trade weights sold from $100 to $109 and the heavier trade weights returned $105 to $137/head. Heavy pens sold for $129 to $147, while the few extra heavy lambs made $141 to $158/head.
Very light sheep made $44 to $78, with light weights from $66 to $86/head. Medium weights returned $86 to $101 and heavy ewes were from $98 to $101/head.