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Sheepmeat export values remain well-above five-year average

22 October 2015

Australian lamb export values for August increased 8% on year-ago levels – totalling $139.6 million FOB (Australian Bureau of Statistics). This brings the year-to-August total to $1.2 billion FOB – up 7% year-on-year, and 45% higher than the five-year average for the period.

The average unit value for Australian lamb exports averaged $7.03/kg for the eight month period – up 7% year-on-year.

Australia’s major lamb export markets registered varying trends for year-to-August values, compared to the same time last year:

  • The US – $360.8 million, up 29%
  • China – $97.8 million, down 32%
  • Japan – $53.6 million, down 7%
  • The UK – $43.4 million, down 23%
  • The UAE – $88.2 million (up 17%), Jordan – $52.4 million (up 26%), Bahrain – $39.4 million (down 29%) 

Australian mutton export values amounted to $53.7 million in August, up slightly (1%) year-on-year, with year-to-August returns reaching $468.6 million. Despite the year-to-August total declining 9% on the corresponding eight months last year, it remained 42% above the five-year average for the period.

In comparison to the same time last year, year-to-August values to:

  • The US – $46.7 million, up 17%
  • The UAE – $36.4 million (down 7%), Saudi Arabia – $52.9 million (up 4%)
  • China – $68.1 million, back 41%
  • Malaysia – $48 million, up 10%