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Saleyard throughput remains at above average levels

03 September 2015

So far this year, above average numbers of cattle have been sold through NLRS reported saleyards across the eastern states. Driven largely by export demand, cattle throughput has mirrored that of the record kill volumes and has been influenced by the increasingly high prices and dry conditions experienced in some areas.


  • For the year-to-date (January to August), NSW offerings reached 808,113 head, up 24% on the five-year average
  • Monthly throughput in NSW peaked in February, with 122,992 head consigned , representing a 43% increase on the February five-year average



  • For the year-to-date, NLRS reported Victorian saleyard numbers have totalled 489,813 head – up 33% on the five-year average
  • Cattle throughput in January was 68% above that of the five-year average for the month and has since maintained above average levels, although the margin has narrowed through winter, with August 33% higher



  • So far this year, a total of 742,943 head have been offered across the state – up 34% on the five-year average
  • NLRS reported Queensland consignments peaked in July, with 122,257 head yarded, 53% above the monthly five-year average
  • In contrast to NSW and Victoria, the margin between Queensland saleyard offerings in 2015 and the five-year average has not tightened as the year has progressed, with August throughput still 35% above five-year average levels
