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SA weekly sheep summary

26 June 2015


Total lamb supply declined by 25% week-on-week to total 10,086 head. Consignments eased by 38% at Naracoorte to 1,536 head, while throughput at the SA Livestock Exchange slipped by 21%, offering 8,550 head.

Light weight 2 score Merino lambs were 25¢ dearer, averaging 481¢, while heavier Merino light weights gained 55¢ and returned 497¢/kg cwt. Merino 3 score trade weight lambs averaged 512¢, back 19¢/kg cwt. Heavy weight 3 score lambs to processors were up 1¢ to average 527¢ and heavy weight 4 scores to slaughter lifted 31¢ to 589¢/kg cwt.


Mutton throughput totalled 2,377 head, back 21% week-on-week. Numbers at Naracoorte slipped by 4% to yard 894 head and consignments at the SA Livestock Exchange were back by 28% at 1,483 head.

Medium weight 2 score Merino ewes lifted by 53¢, averaging 334¢, while heavy weight 3 score Merino ewes were 23¢ dearer on 349¢/kg cwt. Heavy weight 3 score ewes to slaughter averaged 387¢, up 7¢/kg cwt. Heavy weight Merino wethers in the 3 score category were 23¢ cheaper, returning an average of 369¢/kg cwt.

Note: All yardings and prices referenced from MLA’s National Livestock Reporting Service (NLRS) reported saleyards.