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QLD weekly cattle summary

17 September 2015

Numbers steady

The supply of stock at MLA reported saleyards in Queensland varied slightly either way from the previous week’s level. However, numbers still remain relatively high at an estimated 20,000 head, experiencing only a small decline of 8%.

Young cattle continued to experience a wide variation in quality, and apart from some poor condition cows, the vast majority of the cows penned were in the 3 and 4 score ranges.

Buyer attendance across most markets was good and included the regular exporters and trade buyers plus a large panel of feeder operators and restockers. All classes of feeder cattle were the centre of attention, with feeder buyers displaying urgency to purchase suitable stock, and easily absorbed the larger numbers plus lifted prices to a higher level.

Prices continue to rise

Calves from drought affected areas continued to attract increasing demand from restockers in the south-east corner of the state, with prices reaching 368.2¢ and large numbers ranging from 302¢ to 336¢/kg.

A large sample of light weight yearling steers returned to the paddock 10¢ dearer at 322¢, with sales to 346.2¢/kg. Medium weights to feed gained 8¢ to 10¢, with most in the 320¢ range and a few pens reaching 341.2¢/kg. A large selection of heavy weights experienced similar price rises and sold to a high of 340¢ in pen lots, with most close to 323¢/kg.

Light weight yearling heifers to the trade, restockers and feeder operators generally sold in the 280¢ range, with some returning to the paddock reaching 310.2¢/kg. The largest numbers of medium weight yearling heifers to feed averaged 302¢ and made to 327.2¢/kg. Heavy weights to feed reached 326.2¢, to average 286¢, while slaughter classes averaged 283¢ and made to 311.2¢/kg.

Heavy grown steers and bullocks improved 3¢ to 4¢, with both making to 315¢ to average 306¢ and 308¢/kg, respectively.

Cow prices experienced small improvements in some centres, however, across all markets generally remained very close to the previous weeks improved prices. Medium weight 2 scores averaged 221¢ and the 4 scores close to 256¢/kg. A large sample of good heavy cows averaged 267¢, with a few sales at 279.2¢/kg.

Note: All yardings and prices referenced from MLA reported saleyards.