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QLD weekly cattle summary

20 August 2015

Large yardings continue

Large numbers of cattle continued to come forward to NLRS reported saleyards in Queensland, remaining close to the previous week’s high level.

Produces were Influenced by the current buoyant market across most classes, and the continuing very dry seasonal conditions being experienced in the vast majority of the state.

Overall quality remained similar to the previous week, with large consignments of light weight cattle from far western districts included in the line-up. Good samples of medium and heavy weight yearling steers to feed were also penned. Heavy grown steers and bullocks were in short supply, while the number of cows penned remained relatively high.

Buyer attendance was generally good, with strong support for all classes.

Prices firm to dearer

Restockers from the few better areas of the state were still able to absorb the large numbers of calves and light weight yearlings, plus maintain the recent improved prices. A large sample of calves returned to the paddock at 299¢ with the occasional sale to 350¢/kg. Vealer heifers to slaughter improved in price by 6¢, due to stronger interstate competition, and most averaged close to 280¢ with sales to 295.2¢/kg.

The relatively large selection of light weight yearling steers remained firm in price, at an average of 310¢ and sales to 358.2¢/kg. Average prices of medium weights lifted to a higher level, with most in the 290¢ range and sales to 324.2¢/kg. Heavy weights followed a similar trend to average 14¢ better, at 302¢, with sales to 322.2¢/kg.

Medium weight yearling heifers to feed experienced only quality related price changes, to average 271¢ and sell to 299.2¢/kg. Stronger supermarket and butcher demand lifted heavy weight yearling heifers by 10¢, to average 286¢, with a few pens reaching 319.2¢/kg.

A lift in the quality of the heavy grown steers and bullocks lifted average prices by 2¢, with most making around 283¢, while a small sample of certified grainfed heavy grown steers made to 298.2¢/kg.

Medium weight 2 score cows to processors gained a further 9¢, to average 216¢/kg. A large sample of good heavy cows averaged 2¢ dearer, at 248¢, with the occasional sale to 262.2¢/kg.

Note: All yardings and prices referenced from MLA’s National Livestock Reporting Service (NLRS) reported saleyards.