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QLD weekly cattle summary

27 August 2015

Yardings ease

The supply of stock, at NLRS reported saleyards in Queensland, experienced a small decline of 12% week-on-week. There was a wide variation in quality at most centres, with some consignments from drought declared far western districts, however the overall standard of the vast majority was generally good.

Young light weight cattle continued to dominate the selling pens, along with a slightly smaller selection of medium weight yearling steers to feed on. The large number of cows penned was dominated by good samples of 3 and 4 score classes. Buyer attendance at most markets was generally good and included the usual exporters and feeder operators. Light rain in places resulted in an increased number of restocker buyers in the market.

Restockers lift light young cattle

The increased restocker competition lifted prices on calves by a further 12¢, with most averaging 311¢ and some pens reaching 345.2¢/kg.

This trend also flowed onto the light weight yearling steers, with a large supply returning to the paddock at close to 311¢ and pen lots reaching 335¢/kg. Medium weight yearling steers to feeder buyers experienced only quality related price changes, with most around 303¢ and some sales to 324.2¢/kg. Heavy weights improved in price, with some well-bred lines reaching 328.2¢ and a large sample close to 319¢/kg.

A combination of the high prices for light weight yearling steers and an attempt by some producers to rebuild the breeding herd, boosted light weight yearling heifers by close to 40¢/kg. A large sample returned to the paddock at 285.2¢ with isolated sales to 328.2¢/kg. Medium weight yearling heifers to the trade sold to firm demand, to average 284¢, with sales to 312¢/kg. Heavy weights to the domestic trade made to a top of 309.2¢ and averaged 285¢/kg.  

Heavy grown steers and bullocks sold to a dearer market and made to 297.2¢, averaging 283¢ and 286¢/kg, respectively.

Most classes of cows also sold to a firm to dearer trend, with some heavy PTIC classes to interstate restockers making to 256.2¢, to return $1,558/head. Medium weight 2 scores averaged 215¢/kg. A large sample of good heavy cows averaged 7¢ dearer, at 255¢, with the occasional pen reaching 270¢/kg.

Heavy bulls improved by 10¢, with some selling to 304.2¢/kg.

Note: All yardings and prices referenced from MLA’s National Livestock Reporting Service (NLRS) reported saleyards.