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QLD weekly cattle summary

26 June 2015

Numbers lift

With the end of the financial year drawing to a close, combined with dry conditions over the vast majority of the state, numbers at NLRS reported saleyards in Queensland increased by 10% week-on-week. The supply in the south of the state varied slightly either way from the previous week, while numbers in the north generally increased. The dry weather continues to force large numbers of young cattle into the market, while heavy grown steers and bullocks remained in short supply. However, large numbers of cows in a wide range of condition continued to come forward. Restockers from less drought affected areas of the state and NSW were very active in markets in the south of the state. There was also increased demand from local feedlots as well as stronger support from interstate feeder operators. Export slaughter buyer attendance at most markets was generally good, resulting in a generally dearer trend.

Prices boosted by rain

Well-bred steer calves to restockers continued to receive stronger competition, with a number of sales over 300¢, with one consignment of 50 head reaching 310.2¢ and most around 267¢/kg. Vealer heifers to feed experienced much stronger demand from feeder operators and average prices lifted by 17¢, to close to 245¢, with a few pens to 254.2¢/kg. A large supply of light weight yearling steers returning to the paddock made to 306.2¢, to average 272¢/kg. Medium weight yearling steers to feed averaged 263¢ and made to 286.2¢, while a relatively short supply of heavy weights averaged 18¢ dearer at 263¢, with sales to 288.2¢/kg. The lift in the price of vealer heifers flowed onto the light weight yearling heifers, with restocker lines averaging close to 20¢ better at 240¢/kg. Medium weights to feed were also in demand and averaged 8¢ dearer at 253¢, with a few pens to 275.2¢/kg.

A small selection of heavy grown steers averaged 244.8¢, with some to the local meat trade reaching 262.2¢, while most of the bullocks averaged 240¢ and full mouth classes averaged 226¢/kg. Light weight plain condition cows sold to restockers 6¢ to 14¢ dearer with some medium weights to 196.2¢ and a few heavy well-bred lines also returned to the paddock at 223¢/kg. Medium weight 2 scores to processors improved 6¢ to average 177¢, and good heavy lines made to 228.2¢ to average 5¢ dearer at 214.6¢/kg.

Note: All yardings and prices referenced from MLA’s National Livestock Reporting Service (NLRS) reported saleyards.