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QLD weekly cattle summary

30 July 2015

Throughput eases across the state

Useful rainfall over parts of the supply area generally reduced numbers at NLRS reported saleyards in Queensland by 13% week-on-week.

Overall quality at the Roma store sale deteriorated with larger numbers from drought affected areas. The overall standard in the selling centres in the south-east corner of the state was generally good, with some fair samples of supplementary fed lines as well as some consignments off winter cereal crops.

Buyer attendance in the young cattle sections across all markets was generally good and included the usual feeder operators plus increased numbers of restockers. A fair panel of exporters attended most markets, however one major export slaughter processor remained absent from the buyer line up.

Light weights in demand

The rain in places increased restocker enthusiasm and most classes of young light weight cattle improved in price, especially the steer portion, with some fairly large samples averaging over 300¢/kg. Medium and heavy weight yearling steers to feed sold to very strong demand to experience only quality related price changes.

  • A fair selection of calves returned to the paddock 16¢ dearer at 280¢ with a few pens reaching 327.2¢/kg
  • Restockers purchased most of the vealer steers at an average of 300¢
  • Light weight yearling steers averaged 293¢ and made to 326.2¢/kg
  • Medium weights yearlings to feed mostly sold in the mid-to high 280¢ range with sales to 311.2¢/kg
  • Heavy weight feeders averaged a similar levels and made to 323.2¢/kg
  • Restocker demand also increased average prices for the light weight yearling heifers with some good samples improving by 5¢ to 8¢, with sales to 280¢ with most in the 240¢/kg range
  • Feeder operators turned their attention to the medium weight lines of yearling heifers and lifted prices by 13¢ to average in the 270¢ range, with a few reaching 300.2¢/kg

The relatively small selection of heavy grown steers and bullocks experienced a downturn in price to average 1c to 5c/kg less.

  • Heavy grown steers averaged 269¢ and bullocks 271¢, with the occasional pen to the local meat trade reaching 280¢/kg
  • Cows continued to lose ground in price by 1¢ to 8¢, with medium weight 2 scores averaging 189¢/kg
  • Good heavy cows made to the occasional 255.2¢, with most around 242¢/kg

Note: All yardings and prices referenced from MLA’s National Livestock Reporting Service (NLRS) reported saleyards.